3 Kinds of Shelving Systems You Should Know

The kind of Shelving System you choose is significant for your business, depending on the type of business you are into.  If you are looking forward to buy shelving units for your business, it is good to gain sound knowledge about these units. Below mentioned are the 3 kinds of Shelving Systems you know.

  1. Steel Shelving Systems

Steel Shelving Systems are the most common type of shelving units for warehouses or retail as they are made of inexpensive material, robust durability. These systems can be purchased new or used and still take the load of whatever you need to organize and store without bending or collapsing. Steel shelving systems are best for products that are small or with carton storage within a warehouse due to the fact that steel shelving can be organized both as normal floor units or high rise shelving systems for bigger warehouses. While choosing Steel Shelving Systems, you need to choose between the clip style and the nut-and-bolt set-up. The clip style uses compression clips to make shelves height-adjustable by offering a sturdy foundation for even the heaviest materials. Thus, clips are easier to manipulate than the nut-and-bolt style, which requires tools to adjust.

  1. Rivet Shelving

Rivet shelving is also known for its durability and versatility. Besides this, it is really easier to assemble warehouse shelving systems quickly and efficiently for large-scale warehouses.  Also, rivet shelving has better adjustments.

  1. Wire Shelving

Wire shelving is best when all you need is better visibility of shelving as well as air circulation through the different shelving units. Although, wire shelving is not as durable and strong as steel or rivet shelving, it can withstand quite a bit without rapidly becoming unusable.

It is always smart to rely upon a reputed brand in order to buy Shelving Systems. As per my personal experience, I’ll advise you to trust Macrack, an Australian owned and operated company which manufactures custom made warehouse and industrial storage systems, provides expert advice, cost efficiency and quality products second to none. In case, you are residing in Queensland, it is best to go with Macrack.