Going Green with Warehouse Supply

There are a multitude of benefits to go green in your warehouse. The benefits run the gamut of reducing utility bills, reducing carbon footprint, increasing sustainability, and providing your employees with an environmentally responsible company they are proud to work for. However, sometimes the simple phrase of going green can seem overwhelming. After all, where do you start? Where can you see the most significant impact? There are many ways in which you can go green in your warehouse. Here are a few of them:

  • Installing energy-efficient equipment for material handling

Depending on the type of warehouse you own or manage, you are sure to operate an array of equipment that run on either petrolatum or electricity. As equipment needs to be replaced, the four options that are more efficient – and pay particular attention to how many gallons per mile, gallons per hour, or how much wattage each unit utilises. Upgrading to energy-efficient alternatives does not mean that you need to sacrifice the capability of your equipment, just that you are more mindful about inefficiency. Also keep in mind that regular maintenance of all equipment leased a vital role in their ability to achieve maximum energy efficiency.

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  • Expand vertically

Another thing to keep in mind as your warehouse continues to grow and expand is to look for equipment and practices that allow you to go vertical instead of sideways. By building your warehouse up instead of out, you may be able to put off expanding to larger warehouse because you’re maximising the space you already have.

  • Going Green with warehouse supply
  1. Invest in technology that allows you to reduce the use of paper and office supplies.
  1. Have a system in place for recycling everything from office waste, glass and plastic bottles as well as warehouse wastes.
  1. Replace light bulbs with energy-efficient alternatives.
  1. Try to bring in the power of solar panels in your warehouse. Talk to your warehouse supply dealer about solar installations in warehouses.
  1. Invest in energy Star products whenever possible.

To achieve maximum success, do not attempt to tackle all of these green changes at once. Instead, create a schedule for which you green challenges will be tackled one at a time. By spreading out changes over a period of time, you allow your team time required to fully develop their new habits – opposed to making so many changes that they are challenging to recall or stay on top of.

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